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Resumos das palestras convidadas

Dhar Deepack

Asymmetric simple exclusion process on the percolation cluster As the simplest model of transport of interacting particles in a disordered medium, we consider the asymmetric simple exclusion process in which particles with hard-core interactions perform biased random walks, on the supercritical percolation cluster. In this process, the long time trajectory of a marked particle consists of steps on the backbone, punctuated by time spent in side-branches. We study the probability distribution in the steady state of the waiting time TW of a randomly chosen particle, in a side-branch since its last step along the backbone. We argue that for large fields, the probability distribution of log TW has multiple well separated peaks. The fractional number of particles that have been in the same side-branch for a time interval greater than TW decreases more slowly than any power law, as exp (−c√log T W ) for arge T W , where c depends only on the bias field. However, these long timescales are not reflected in the eigenvalue spectrum of the Markov evolution matrix. The same slow decay is also seen in the velocity -velocity autocorrelation function of a tagged particle.

Hans Herrmann

Ising-like model replicating time-averaged neural spiking The activity of the resting state of the brain exhibits avalanches of spiking activity of sizes that follow a power-law distribution. In an attempt to grasp brain criticality we investigate the spiking patterns of in vitro rat cortices and in vivo mice cortices as well as of an Integrate-and-Fire (IF) model that can be tuned at criticality. Through a Pairwise Maximum-Entropy method, we identify through an inverse binary Ising-like model the local fields and interaction couplings which best reproduce the average activities of each neuron as well as the statistical correlations between the activities of each pair of them in the system. The activity of the neurons is mainly stored in the local fields, while a symmetric distribution of interaction constants which becomes sharper with system size seems generic. Interestingly, for the in vitro rat cortex data the three–point correlations are remarkably well reproduced. Under the framework of the inherent thermodynamic analogy brought by the Ising-like models built in this work, we found through Monte Carlo simulations that they exhibit in all cases second-order phase transitions between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases at a temperature consistent with Tc = 1, which is exactly the temperature used in the Maximum-Entropy method. The numerical data from the IF model allow to study systematically the dependence on parameters like size and concentration of inhibitory neurons avoiding the use of subsampling. We found that networks with higher percentage of inhibitory neurons lead to Ising-like systems with reduced thermal fluctuations. Finally, considering only neuronal pairs associated with the largest correlation functions allows the study of larger system sizes.

Cristina Masoller

New indicators for early detection of critical transitions Complex systems often exhibit abrupt and dangerous regime transitions. Anticipating these changes can be crucial to implementing adaptation measures. So far, many data-driven indicators of upcoming bifur- cations and regime changes have been proposed. However, their performance depends on the characteristics of the analyzed system and the characteristics of the observed data. In this talk, I will discuss the performance of classical and new early warning indicators, using real-world data (vegetation images to identify desertification transitions), as well as experimental data generated with controlled variation of the bifurcation parameter.

Angelica Sousa da Mata

Complex networks applied to neuroscience and QI*

Ricardo Luiz Viana

Shadowability breakdown of chaotic orbits in coupled systems

Leticia Ribeiro de Paiva

Emergent phases in termite groups

Carlos Eduardo Fiore dos Santos

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of collective heat engines

Márcia C. Barbosa

Anomalous behaviors of nanoconfined water

Domingos S. Pereira Salazar

Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for relative entropy: classical and quantum

Felix Sharipov

Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method

​Gandhi M. Viswanathan

Understanding the controversy and its resolution regarding the optimality of Levy w

Jeferson J. Arenzon

Emergent cooperative behavior in transient compartments

Sabrina B. Lino Araujo

Speciation under migration: insights from individual-based models

Celia Anteneodo

Non-Markovian opinion dynamics

Steve Tomsovic

Controlling Many-Body Quantum Chaos: Optimal Coherent Targeting Co-authors & Affiliations: Lukas Beringer – University of Regensburg (UR) Mathias Steinhuber – UR Juan Diego Urbina – UR Klaus Richter – UR Abstract: The control and stabilization of many-body quantum systems whose classical counterparts exhibit highly chaotic motion is a challenging problem. The presence of many-body quantum chaotic dynamics is often conceptualized as the ultimate enemy of quantum device control as it leads rapidly to thermalization, and is certainly a fundamental hindrance to controlling quantum computation. However, what if chaos could be harnessed instead as a resource for quantum control just as has been shown for classical systems? One of the principal goals of controlling classically chaotic dynamical systems is known as targeting, which is the very weakly perturbative process of using the system's extreme sensitivity to initial conditions in order to arrive at a predetermined target state. It relies on a kind of "inverse butterfly effect": fast exponential convergence. In this talk we develop a many-body quantum control technique inspired by classical targeting. Starting from an initial quantum state in a quantum chaotic system: “how can one transfer the chaotic many-body system to a predetermined remote target state most efficiently?’’

Eduardo Altmann

Statistical laws: the complex systems approach to data science From power-laws in Econophysics and Complex Networks to scaling laws in Urban systems, statistical laws play a fundamental role in mutidiciplinary applications of Statistical Physics.  In this talk, I will review and critically analyse the potential and limitations of the statistical-law approach to data analysis, contrasting it with the "machine-learning" approach that dominates Data Science.  References: [1] E. G. Altmann, "Statistical laws in complex systems",  arXiv:2407.19874 (2024) [2] J. M. Moore, G. Yan, E. G Altmann "Nonparametric Power-Law Surrogates" , Phys. Rev. X 12, 021056 (2022)

Jan Michael Rost

The joint origin of time and temperature from a global entangled state of system and environment The reduction of necessary prerequisites in the mathematical description of nature has been a lasting motivation to evolve theory in physics. Here, we will show that time and temperature have a common root in a stationary global entangled state of a system and its environment, in other words time and temperature are not fundamental. This achieved by demonstrating how time evolution for system and environment emerges by their separation in a relational fashion leaving the global state unchanged. Based on the seminal idea by Page and Wootters [1], we formulate the extreme quantum case of relational time [2] and argue that our perception of time is consistent with its semiclassical limit. Furthermore, we will introduce relational imaginary time evolution and show that it implies the fundamental thermodynamic relation of statistical physics if the global state is maximally entangled [3], without counting of states as required even by modern approaches such as canonical typicality [4]. [1] D. N. Page and W. K. Wootters, Evolution without evolution: Dynamics described by stationary observables, Phys. Rev. D 27, 2886 (1983). [2] S. Goldstein, J. L. Lebowitz, R. Tumulka, and N. Zanghì, Canonical typicality, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 050403 (2006). [3] S. Gemsheim and J. M. Rost: Emergence of time from quan- tum interaction with the environment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 140202, (2023). [4] S. Gemsheim and J. M. Rost: Statistical mechanics from relational complex time with a pure state, Phys. Rev. D 109, L121701 (2024).

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